75th National Conference of Indian Association of Occupational Health - OCCUCON 2025
Categories Early Bird Offer
Upto 31stJuly 2024
Upto August 31st 2024 Upto December 31st 2024 From 1st January 2025 &
Spot Registration
IAOH Member Rs.8,260 Rs.10,620 Rs.12,980 Rs.15,340
Non - IAOH Member Rs.10,620 Rs.12,980 Rs.15,340 Rs.17,770
International Delegates US $ 300 US $ 350 US $ 400 US $ 450
Spouse & Children [ Per Person ] Rs.5,900 Rs.7,080 Rs.8,260 Rs.9,440
Retired IAOH Member** Rs.4,130 Rs.5,310 Rs.6,490 Rs.7,670
PG Students* Rs.5,900 Rs.7,080 Rs.8,260 Rs.9,440
* For Postgraduate Students, Certificate from the Head of the Departent is compulsory.
** Retired member refers to those not active professionally. A letter from their Branch Secretary is to be attached.

Included 18% GST

Professional Development Symposia on 29th Jan 2025 will be at the venue

Registration fee Rs. 1,500 + 18% GST inclusive of GST will be Rs.1,770

Only registered delegates of the conference can attend Professinal Development Symposia. Please register at the earliest.